Este poema surgió del silencio mientras estaba atravesando un período de observación y focalización sobre lo que sentía. No sólo había imágenes, también había quietud y un profundo sentido de presencia de Algo Real.
Magnificent Womb
Cast in deep
In the depth
Of my womb
First seen
By me
First accepted
By me
As my Self
A colour
Of my Self
Milk-filled bowl
Sweet white milk
Through ages dropped
From high up
Through my head
And heart
Drop after drop
Clear and transparent
Into milk transformed
Truth is living
Or an aspect of it
Who knows?
Do I know?
I feel and see
I want to see
That sacred
Of milk filled
Once and again
Carved and caved
Inside my womb
Lightning up
My heart
My very deep
For such a precious food
Years and years
Of starvation
Have they ended?
I don’t know
The food is there
Celestial food?
I don’t know
I feel the bowl
I taste the milk
I see the drops
Comment: This poem came out of silence while going through a period of observation and focusing on what I was feeling. Not only were there images, there was also quietness and a deep sense of presence of Something Real. Love to you all.
Este poema surgió del silencio mientras estaba atravesando un período de observación y focalización sobre lo que sentía. No sólo había imágenes, también había quietud y un profundo sentido de presencia de Algo Real.
Mabel Sara Benedini